Entries by DHP Dental

The Pros and Cons of Dental Implants

If you are thinking about getting dental implants in Burlington, MA, you probably want to weigh the pros and cons first…right? So, let’s do that right now. Then, you can decide if getting implants is the right decision for you. The Pros and Cons of Dental Implants Your dentist in Burlington, MA, will go over everything you […]

Is Sleep Apnea Genetic?

Sleep apnea is a dangerous condition that should be treated as soon as possible. Beyond the inconvenience of causing snoring, sleep apnea has very real and very serious health consequences, since disrupted sleep means there is oxygen deprivation going on in the brain. If you have relatives with sleep apnea and you’re seeing signs of […]

Signs Your Dental Implant is Failing

Dental implants are durable and have the potential to last a lifetime. But they aren’t impervious to failure, just any other kind of surgical implants, like a hip implant or knee replacement. One of the critical factors in how likely your implant is to last a lifetime is where you have it done. It pays—in […]

The Different Types of Dental Implants Explained

Are you thinking about getting dental implants? It’s exciting…right. But first, you will need to schedule an exam and consultation with your dentist in Burlington, MA, because there are different types of dental implants, and you might not be a good candidate for all of them. The Basics of Dental Implants Dental implants are small titanium […]

3 Things to Know About Sleep Apnea

What do you know about sleep apnea? If the answer to that question is “very little”, then your dentist in Burlington, MA can help. At Advanced Dental Care, we provide sleep apnea treatment for patients who have sleep apnea and want to manage their condition. Below are three important things to know about sleep apnea and why […]

Best Solutions for a Gummy Smile

A gummy smile doesn’t mean you’re smiling with chewing gum stuck in your teeth. And a gummy smile is nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s just one other type of smile among all the millions. But for those who do feel self-conscious about a gummy smile, laser dentistry is a viable solution, and it’s surprisingly […]

The Three Parts of a Dental Implant

Have you been thinking about getting dental implants in Burlington, MA? If so, you probably want to know how they work first…right? Well, sit back and relax. We are going to go over the three parts of a dental implant. The Three Parts of a Dental Implant Here is a quick overview of the steps you […]

Signs You Should Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

Here are just a few signs you should look for when wondering if you need to schedule an appointment for wisdom teeth removal in Burlington, MA. Damage to Your Other Teeth Wisdom teeth frequently cause damage to your other teeth by pushing them into different positions. When this happens, it can cause bite issues and other […]

How an Orthodontist Can Help Treat Your Sleep Apnea

If you have sleep apnea, you would probably do anything to make it stop…right? Did you know your dentist in Burlington, MA, can help with that? It’s true! Keep reading to learn how. But first, let’s go over some generalities about sleep apnea. Then, we’ll explain how your dentist can help you with it. Sleep Apnea […]