Entries by DHP Dental

3 Things to Know About Sleep Apnea

What do you know about sleep apnea? If the answer to that question is “very little”, then your dentist in Burlington, MA can help. At Advanced Dental Care, we provide sleep apnea treatment for patients who have sleep apnea and want to manage their condition. Below are three important things to know about sleep apnea and why […]

Best Solutions for a Gummy Smile

A gummy smile doesn’t mean you’re smiling with chewing gum stuck in your teeth. And a gummy smile is nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s just one other type of smile among all the millions. But for those who do feel self-conscious about a gummy smile, laser dentistry is a viable solution, and it’s surprisingly […]

The Three Parts of a Dental Implant

Have you been thinking about getting dental implants in Burlington, MA? If so, you probably want to know how they work first…right? Well, sit back and relax. We are going to go over the three parts of a dental implant. The Three Parts of a Dental Implant Here is a quick overview of the steps you […]

Signs You Should Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

Here are just a few signs you should look for when wondering if you need to schedule an appointment for wisdom teeth removal in Burlington, MA. Damage to Your Other Teeth Wisdom teeth frequently cause damage to your other teeth by pushing them into different positions. When this happens, it can cause bite issues and other […]

How an Orthodontist Can Help Treat Your Sleep Apnea

If you have sleep apnea, you would probably do anything to make it stop…right? Did you know your dentist in Burlington, MA, can help with that? It’s true! Keep reading to learn how. But first, let’s go over some generalities about sleep apnea. Then, we’ll explain how your dentist can help you with it. Sleep Apnea […]

Will Losing Weight Cure Sleep Apnea?

Aside from the outward symptoms of sleep apnea what happens to the body during sleep apnea is far more scary. The body is actually being deprived of oxygen. To be precise, the brain is being deprived of oxygen, as well as the other bodily organs. That’s not good. Now, since being overweight is one of […]

Does Obesity Cause Sleep Apnea?

If you’re a person with sleep apnea, or you have a sleep partner with this condition, you may have heard that being overweight contributes to it. So, if you or your partner need to lose weight, you may be thinking that the sleep apnea is the fault of the person, and that going on a […]

3 Benefits of Laser Dentistry

Do you want to be comfortable at the dentist? Do you want your dentist to use tools that shorten healing time and reduce the risk of infection? If so, then it sounds like you want laser dentistry. Your dentist in Burlington, MA can help! At Advanced Dental Care, we use laser dentistry for a variety of treatments. […]

Why Do I Snore So Loud?

Snoring is a normal thing that many people do. Did you know that loud snoring can be a sign of a problem? Loud snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea, a condition that can put your health at risk. Your dentist in Burlington, MA can help. At Advanced Dental Care, we help patients determine whether they […]

What Should I Know About Same-Day Crowns?

If you have an injured tooth, your dentist may recommend protecting it with a crown. Dental crowns are thin, tooth-shaped covers that attach to the tooth enamel to provide protection. Your dental crown will be custom-made to fit over your tooth, to keep it protected and strong. Although traditional crowns were installed over multiple trips […]