Is Sleep Apnea Genetic?

Sleep apnea is a dangerous condition that should be treated as soon as possible. Beyond the inconvenience of causing snoring, sleep apnea has very real and very serious health consequences, since disrupted sleep means there is oxygen deprivation going on in the brain. If you have relatives with sleep apnea and you’re seeing signs of it in yourself, you may have a question niggling in your head; is sleep apnea genetic? The answer isn’t as straightforward as you may think.

The Genetic Connection

You’re not hallucinating (although sleep apnea might make you think so!). Sleep apnea does often run in families, but this isn’t to do with much else except inherited physical traits affecting the airway structure. We’re talking jaw alignment, palate shape, tongue size and shape and the like. Conditions like a recessed jaw, large tonsils or a narrow airway are also examples of genetic factors that increase the risk of a person inheriting sleep apnea. Additionally, genetic predispositions to obesity—a major risk factor for sleep apnea—may indirectly contribute, although this can be offset by lifestyle factors like favoring exercise over a sedentary life.

Beyond Genetics

But, while genetics influence susceptibility, lifestyle and health factors also play a critical role. Poor sleep habits, weight gain and other health issues, such as nasal congestion, can exacerbate the condition. Even people with a genetic predisposition can lower their risk by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

How Dentists Can Help

Yourdentist in Burlington, MA may be the first person to notice potential signs of sleep apnea, such as teeth grinding (bruxism), worn enamel or a small jaw. If you or a family member has a history of sleep apnea or related conditions, share this information with us.

For effective sleep apnea treatment in Burlington, MA, contact Advanced Dental Care. We can assess your risk and, if necessary, offer treatment options.

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